Patty:  Well, Hello there, my legacy leader. This is Patty Dominguez here with another episode for you. This is episode number seven. I’m sharing some quick tips on how I’m staying on track with the objectives that I want to achieve with this year. And I hope that they help you to. Here we go.

Everybody Patty Dominguez here, Happy New Year! Once again, I thought I would check in with you for some tips to help keep you on track to achieve those goals are the objectives that you’re looking for. And there’s nothing better than getting organized. And it doesn’t have to be as daunting as we set ourselves up to be. Once we say, Oh, we want to lose 500 pounds, or we want to make a million dollars in our business, or we want to publish the books.

It can be very simple when you chunk things down. And so my intention for this is just to share some tips that I am gathering as I’m going through my own process of staying on track. Now, one of the things that I got it I just got into a mastermind this year in 2019 with a mentor of mine and he passed out one of the planners, it is incredible it is called the Phoenix planner. And what I thought was really great is that it’s starting at a very macro level and this is very much in relation to how I’ll go into a consulting situation or coaching is that I really take that 35,000 point view to really get an understanding of what is it that that person that business is looking for.

And so tip number one is really about writing the vision of what you want your future to look like. And at a minimum, does it for the year look back as if it were December 31. I talked about this in the last episode, and think about where you want things to be for your yourself, for your business, for your personal life, professional life, etc. And so that is really key to keeping you on track. Because when you have that vision, and you write it out, you push through that fear of saying, Oh, that’s absurd. No, it does not write it down. As you may know, it means so daunting but it is absolutely important that you put that into place. Another thing, start small, don’t get overwhelmed with the idea of that big goal. Set your goals that you’re more likely to stick with. Look over that calendar at the beginning of the week. I always write out my week on Sunday for what I want for that week. Coming up as, we’re going into Monday.

So I set my time on Sunday night, I actually schedule it, like go through my planner, I take a look at what I want to achieve for that week, start small see where you can fit in the things that are most important to you like the daily meditation or maybe a date night or perhaps your exercise regimen schedule it. If you don’t schedule it, it won’t happen. As far as I’m concerned.

That’s the way I operate. If it’s not on my calendar, it’s not going to happen. And so it’s easier to stay on track with a realistic and specific goal. And plus, the truth is, you’re less likely to get discouraged and quit altogether when you start small. So just chunk it up into week at a time putting those things that especially focusing on self care and the things that make you happy or that bring the focus that you need as you’re headed into your work week.

Tip number two is that you want to create an action plan as with anything you know my deal I’m all about strategy. You want to have a strategy for your success. So you want to take a look ahead of time of where you, Where are the stop gaps? Where are the temptation things? Where are the things that could possibly sabotage where you may fly off the wagon, right?

Because temptation is all around us. And it can be in terms of getting you off track with your meal planning or not exercising because it’s easy to just say, oh, I’ll do it later. Just be honorable, be in integrity. Or if you’re looking at the be creating a habit for let’s say, a morning routine, don’t hit that snooze button instead, you know, get up and do what you said you were going to do. So these are the things about creating a plan. When you have a planner and you’re putting in the days of the week and you’re writing down exactly what it is you want to do. That’s really critical to make sure that you are not giving into temptation.

Of course, you also want to focus on the habits, right, so creating those habits and not just focus on the thing that you want or the outcome, listen. Creating new habits can be difficult at first, but over time, and I heard, so there’s varying degrees of this, but I heard that it takes 100 days to create a new habit. Some people say it takes two weeks or three weeks, I don’t know.

I don’t necessarily know how long it takes, I go with 100 days, you know, at first; it’s going to be tough. But after a while, the habits start to become a habit, it starts to become a part of your everyday and starts to become second nature. And so the deal is, in order to form a habit, you have to be consistent. That is the magic with anything that I have seen, or I have specific people in my life friends that I have that are massively successful. Why? Because they take consistent action every day in and out over time, and they don’t compromise that. And so they’re very much in integrity, right. And in order to make those long lasting changes, you have to be consistent and sort of it just being a short term fix. Just be consistent.

Another tip is make it fun. Right? So find out what works for you so if you’re more likely to go to a spin class like I don’t know spin class that you go to because a friend of yours is signing up get it done. I like going to Soul Cycle I know that I’m motivated to go when a friend comes with me you know it turns into a fun event as opposed to something that is a drag to go to I have several friends who love that Peloton bike because they like the interaction the gamification side of it. That is ways to make it fun. And of course when you have an accountability buddy in place somebody that you’re held accountable to.

I remember when I was training for the marathon many years back one of the things was I would meet a friend at the trail on specific days to go for my run and I knew that I was accountable to her so I would get up no matter what the time in order to be at the trail on time because if it wasn’t for her, chances are I wouldn’t have gotten a 10 so make it enjoyable having that accountability buddy is huge. And here’s where I’m really bad.

Here’s the next tip. I don’t even think about rewarding myself. And this is something that I’m implementing in in this year is celebrating successes. Right? Maybe it’s a spa day or treating yourself to a massage or treating yourself to an awesome pair of shoes. What is the reward when you achieve that goal? Think about it. Well, write it down. Don’t just say it or think about it, write it down on your calendar so that you could keep your eye on the prize. Because here’s the deal. It is really rewarding. When you have something which will look forward to eventually you’re going to find that the benefits that you receive from staying on track with your you know, resolutions or your goals or the objectives that you are looking to achieve. They’re just way more fun when you have a reward at the end of the line. So reward yourself because you’re worth it.

And there you have it. These are the tips that I’m just thinking about jotting down hopefully they help you today let me know what you think about the habits or the rewards or the things that are helping you through as you are staying committed to your own objectives and your own goals for this year because you’re worth it. All right, thank you. See you in the next episode.

We’ll see you next time. Thank you so much for being here.

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 – The full transcript of this episode.  



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